
Friday, April 17, 2020

A Quilt of Valor presentation

We have to get creative in these days of social distancing.  And this creative effort was very well executed - by the boys in the photo below.

Since I could no longer go to Virginia personally to present this quilt I made for him, I contacted his wife and we put together a plan.  The quilt arrived safely and the box was quarantined in their garage for a couple of days to let any Covid-19 germs die off.  Then on Wednesday, they had Jim sit out on the deck and the boys did the presentation.  The older one read the presentation speech I sent, and the younger one wrapped the quilt around his dad and gave him the certificate.  His wife recorded video of the whole event to share with me and with other family members.  It was wonderful to watch it and I've cried every time I watch it - which is several times. 

Ironically - and totally by accident - the presentation happened 22 years and 1 day after what was probably the most momentous event of Jim's naval career.  

My cousin Jim is a US Navy veteran. He was on a ship in the Persian Gulf on April 14, 1988 when it hit an Iranian mine, and was nearly torn in half.  The ship managed to limp into a nearby port and was partially repaired enough to make it out into open water to be "picked up" - literally - by a lift ship and brought back to the US.  He remained with the ship and its limited crew until it docked in Maine.  I'm so very proud of my cousin and his service to our country. 

On a side note, this was the quilt that granddaughter Sophia helped me start between Christmas and New Years.  She sorted and counted squares as I cut the pieces for this quilt.  


  1. Fantastic teamwork! Please give my congratulations and gratitude to your cousin.

  2. Way to go! Please thank your cousin Jim for his service to our country!

  3. So wonderful of you, Michelle and the boys to orchestrate this for Jim, my "little" brother!!


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