
Thursday, April 2, 2020

April goals

Here we are midway through Week 3 of staying home.  I'm still having trouble focusing, but do feel as if I've calmed down a little bit.  Time to update my goals.

I haven't finished everything I wanted to in March, but I'll continue to work on those items as well as tackle some new goals for April.  The number drawn for the APQ UFO Challenge was #1, and I have a couple of fun things listed under that number.  I quickly found the project box for one of the 2 and I had actually left things well organized, which was a surprise.

This is Temecula Circa 2016 - an online Sew-Along project from the Temecula Quilt Company.  See my original blog post about this "small block" project - and yes, it is from 2016.   This is the center of the quilt, and there are lots and lots more small blocks finished for it.  Actually I have a little over half of the blocks done.  Each of these blocks are 3.5" unfinished, so lots of teeny tiny pieces involved.  Most of the patterns, like this Shoo Fly block ask for 2 blocks plus a couple of 2" HST.  In looking forward I noticed the last few ask for 3 blocks made in from the pattern.  

Also on the UFO list from 2016 are the car blocks I was making with the Row By Row license plates.  I had a plan for these blocks but only have about 5 of them made.  I'm hoping when I find that project box that there is a sketch of how I planned to lay them out.  Or I could start from scratch with a new plan.  

So, I have some fun choices of "new" old UFOs to choose from.  And I'll continue working on the things carrying over from March - and from January and February.  

1.  keep up with Saturday Sampler blocks
2.  Sew Vintage barn block (have only chosen fabrics so far)
3.  Simple Whatnots - finish top of Smack Dab in the Middle  (4-patch border needed)
4.  Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks (light and bright blue)
5.  butterfly themed Sew Together bag
6.  Harvest Road - finish top 
7.  bind the 2nd small Day and Night table topper


  1. i agree...getting used to sheltering in place is a learning curve...i'm more organized now and can wrap my head around what i'd like to accomplish and getting it done....i did the 365 and the temecula summer sampler so i'm over those tiny blocks for a while...but they are nice!

  2. I remember your car blocks! They are adorable.


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