
Monday, April 6, 2020

Design Wall Monday - Week 4

Here we are beginning Week 4 of social distancing.  Life has sure changed in the past month.  Like most everyone I talk to, my focus comes and goes along with the stress. 

I did make 2 blue Bead/Chandelier blocks this weekend.  The charm packs I've been using didn't have any blue in them.  Not a single square of blue. So I pulled a couple of blues out of the scrap bin.  I'm planning to make some of my other Rainbow Scrap Challenge blue blocks today.  

What's on your design wall this morning?

I also made 5 masks over the weekend but didn't remember to take any photos at all.  Those went to my daughter's houses on Sunday when we dropped off birthday and Easter gifts for the kids - and visited with everyone standing outside on the lawn from 10" away.  The masks will just be for going out to the store and such, as they have appropriate protective wear at work.  And I made 10 button bands for them to try out at work - to hook the mask elastic over and save pressure on their ears.  If those work out then I'll make them more.  

I've been working on this puzzle off and on all week.  On Saturday my husband sat down and started working on it too.  Two things in this photo caused my girls to laugh - his coffee cup and the evidence that he was actually working on a puzzle.  Both were probably thinking "who is this man, and what did he do with my dad?".  He rarely drank coffee until just this past year.  And he never had the patience for puzzles.  

And this . . . is the cause of LOTS of worry for this mama.  My oldest daughter is a respiratory therapist in a hospital.  They aren't overloaded with Covid-19 patients yet, but are anticipating those number will rise sharply in the coming days and weeks.  My other daughter is an occupational therapist in a VA hospital and they are preparing for future patients as well.  I'm proud of my girls and their career choices as they make a real difference in peoples' lives every day.  


  1. Thanks to your daughters and their coworkers! I pray they have all the PPE they need to keep them safe. Tell me more about the button band. . .

  2. So many thanks and prayers for your two girls and their workmates...
    putting all of our safety first;))) You must be so proud of them..
    Your bead blocks are really pretty in those blues,nice work
    ~ ~ ~ waving from afar julierose ;)))

  3. The bead blocks are great. Mask making is taking over for lots of us. It's so great to be able to supply things that our friends and family need. Thanks to both of your daughters for their work on the front lines, so to speak.

  4. Prayers for your health care workers! So scary out there. Stay safe!

  5. Love and prayers to you, Dave and the girls and their families. What more can we do? Your sewing skills are a blessing to everyone there.


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