
Monday, May 18, 2020

Design Wall Monday

One third of the 36 blocks needed to finish 6th Grade, my jelly roll project.  That one lightest block in there may not be kept. We’ll see how it fits in with the rest of them and if I have enough of the background fabric to replace it. Not sure I have the floor space anywhere to lay out the whole thing when I do get the rest of the blocks done.

Checkout a few more design walls at:


  1. I'm glad you were able to get the block measurements fixed, Sara. These are beautiful blocks and will make a great quilt. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  2. Great block design! I think you're right about that very lightest one.

  3. What a unique, interesting quilt design, Sara! I love this! You know, there are a couple of "cheats" for that pale green block if you don't have enough background fabric to remake it. You could use permanent fine point Pigma markers to embellish the green print fabric to where it reads darker from a distance. Or, when you quilt that block, if you used a darker color thread, that would make the fabric appear darker from a distance and give you better contrast. I really like this project, no matter what you end up doing with that one block!

  4. Nice blocks and design! Those light blocks sure are hard to place sometimes.

  5. Oh boy this is going to be so pretty! I think you might be happier without that light one, but it could change when you get all the blocks made.

  6. Wow! That jelly roll is popping. Yes, that light is too pale to be seen. But maybe in the lower right or left corner. Which corner is it that our eye never sees? LOL


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