
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Oh My Stars - color tweak

Some color tweaking has been taking place . . .

On yesterday's post I was questioning my choice of navy blue for the stars in this quilt because they faded into the background, and I asked for ideas. Well, Nancy at Wyoming Breezes suggested gold.  I think that was a brilliant idea!! Thank you Nancy!  I didn't even have to dig very deep to find this dark gold print.  After comparing it to some lighter golds in my stash, this was the winner.  The dark tone seems to fit best with the dusty tones of the blue, an there is a touch of gold in some of the cream squares.  

I picked out the stitches on the blue star corners and simply replaced them with gold triangles.  It was easier than I expected.  I cut the 3" gold squares, and then trimmed them diagonally 1/4" past the corners to make the triangle match the original.  A little care was necessary to make sure I didn't stretch anything on the bias.  

I am so glad I asked the question about the color, and am also glad that I received a couple of great ideas.  Any of the suggestions (red or gold or burgundy) would have been a big improvement from my original navy blue.  Now the stars will pop like they should.  Thank you ladies!!!  Can't wait to find the time to finish putting the 8 rows together.  I may have to do a patriotic version of this quilt so I can make red stars.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. The gold fabric you found in the stash works great to make the stars stand out. I’m glad it was an easy “fix.”


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