
Sunday, June 7, 2020

All roads lead to the middle

After taking this picture I did rearrange a few blocks, but for the most part this is ready to start sewing rows together.  I did try turning some of the blocks for other layouts but kept coming back to the original design.  


  1. Very fun blocks! That layout works really well. Looks like you are well on your way to a finished flimsy.

  2. Amazing! I wonder why I catch things in photos I never see in real life. What is it about the stationary that catches our eye that is hidden when we view it in real time?

  3. Wow, I really like this quilt! I like your name, too!

  4. The arrangement is great! Nice distribution of the colors, too -- how many times did you have to arrange and rearrange them? (I fuss over that part.)


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