
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Breezy and binding

All of the various parts and pieces for Breezy are cut and are now laid out on my big design board.  I have a couple of these just the right size to hold a block, but this one is twice as big and works perfectly for these mini quilts. 

Breezy is a Simple Whatnots mini quilt by Kim Diehl.  I sure wish our group were meeting in person today, but we're not able to yet.  Maybe next month.  This one is so cute that I just couldn't wait to get started on it.  The cutting didn't take as long as many of these do.  There are 5 pinwheel blocks and one of those is sewn now - because I just had to. The rest will have to wait. 

The binding is also on the Oh My Stars quilt, and I'm about 1/4 of the way around it already with the hand stitching. I didn't spend as much time as expected sewing yesterday, but progress is progress.

I'm playing some golf later this morning before it gets too hot, and then going to a family graduation party for my niece's daughter this evening.  Lots of extended family will be there and some came from out of state.  It makes me a little nervous about being among so many people but we are going.

Speaking of being nervous around people. My husband told me yesterday that we've been invited to a big annual birthday bash for one of his friends.  This guy lives in western Iowa and does this big blowout every year, inviting friends, family, and clients.  It would involve staying in a hotel overnight, and mingling with tons of people we don't know.  My response was "are you nuts?".  How is this different than the groups of college kids on the beach together for spring break?  Oh yeah - we are all old enough to know better.  No way am I going to that birthday party!!


  1. Those bits and pieces look like they will come together as a fun mini quilt! I am nervous about group gatherings, too, so still staying away from them. Hope all goes well for you!

  2. Hi,
    Your project is will be beautiful
    when done...I wouldn't go to a group gathering
    either...I think it's way to soon for all this
    gathering of people...just my thoughts...have a great day!

  3. how inviting the tidy stack of cut pieces... makes you want to sew them right up! What if you wear a mask to the party? It's our only hope other than distance... keep safe, even relatives can pass on a virus if they are not symptomatic they don't know... golf sounds like a good way to exercise now

  4. What a cute project in the works. I love Kim Diehl quilts. Stay safe.... we are still hunkering down for the most part now with our numbers in Florida going nuts. We had planned a trip to the beach for a few days next month but are cancelling. Better to be safe then sorry for my family, unfortunately.

  5. Here's hoping your family is all masked up at your niece's graduation party. Have fun, but be careful!!

  6. Looking forward to seeing Breezy come together as her quilts are so adorable.

  7. Breezy fabrics are so pretty! It’s going to be a fun one!
    I wouldn’t be going to the birthday bash either! The spikes in Florida and Texas and Arizona are concerning!

  8. What a beautiful quilt Breezy promises to become. Love the fabrics & designer. As for the get-togethers, you have to do what's comfortable for you. Good luck!


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