
Monday, June 29, 2020

Design Wall Monday

I love it!!  Breezy is the first project we are doing for the Club #9 collection of Simple Whatnots, and it's very cute.  Plus it went together without to many problems in spite of the 1" sashing strips.  My goal is to get this quilted today, and maybe even put the binding on it. 

My other goal - while I'm in the mood to do some quilting - is to quilt the little wall hanging.  This one shouldn't take long at all to quilt.

Check out more Design Wall Monday posts:


  1. Breezy is adorable! Would be fun to enlarge the blocks.

  2. Beautiful quilt, Sara! Breezy is the perfect name for it, too. I look forward to seeing your finish.

  3. Oh so pretty I really like the colors of breezy!


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