
Thursday, June 25, 2020

One week behind

The blocks for Week 3 of Lori Holt's Bee Patriotic Sew Along are now done. These are the 6" blocks and are very cute in the small size.  I was worried about having enough fabric because I was using a fat eighth bundle, but now that I have only 3 more blocks to make it's obvious that I have plenty. 

What I don't have plenty of is a good binding fabric for the Oh My Stars quilt that I showed yesterday.  I want a gold similar to the stars, and I don't have anything that would work.  What a shame - I'll have to go shopping.   

1 comment:

  1. A fun trio of blocks. I particularly like the one in the middle. It would look great with sashing and corner stone to create a Shoo Fly block at the intersection.


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