
Saturday, June 20, 2020

This and that

My lilies are both blooming.  I sure wish these would bloom all summer instead of just a week or so.  The orange one is in front of the house is a real show off when we pull into the driveway. It looks great - in spite of the fact we had smoothed the rocks over the spot it was growing because we thought it died last fall.  The red one is next to the deck steps in our back yard.  I didn't choose the location very well for this one as it can't be seen from the deck itself.  This one typically begins to bloom a few days earlier than the orange one, possibly because it's on the south side of the house and warms up earlier. 

Not the best photo, but these 2 fabrics will make some fun cute Strippee quilts for kids.  I need to do a little shopping for some accent fabrics. I'm thinking a black and white check for the Scottie dog print, and maybe black and white dots or swirls for the sheep print.  I'll cut the strips and kit these up (along with the flamingo kit) to work on later.  These kid quilts will be my "reward" when I finish up another UFO or two.

I need to empty out this bookcase sometime today, because it's going to my grand-kids' new house to be filled up with children's books.  

Laura and her family just moved this past week into a charming little 1917 house with more room than they've ever had before.  After 10 years mostly spent in apartments and townhouses, they have become home owners.  As they unpacked the kids' books they realized they really didn't have enough bookshelf space for them.  I have more books and bookshelves than a person needs.  So this short bookshelf will go to their house sometime soon - hopefully yet this weekend because I haven't been inside the house yet.  I've only driven by it before they closed on the house, and have seen lots of pictures.  


  1. The lilies are gorgeous, especially the orange one. Your plans for the strip quilts are spot on.

  2. Pretty Lilies! Congratulations to your daughter and family I hope they enjoy their new home! I hope you get to see it! Our daughter and son in law moved a week ago we will have to wait to see that house...but she facetimes us often as they are doing some renovation:)


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