
Monday, July 13, 2020

Design Wall Monday

I always hope the designer will forgive me when I "re-design" a pattern.  That is where I'm at with my latest PIG (project in grocery bag) project.  I've been taking part in Kim Diehl's Simple Whatnots clubs for a few years. Mostly I love her designs, but every once in a while there is one that I decide not to do.  Potting Shed is from Club 8 and I just had to makes some changes for my own version.

This particular pattern had elements that I really liked, along with some I didn't. So I set it aside until I could decide what I want it to look like.  I love the big appliqued flowers and leaves, but just feel it's too cluttered with all of those baskets in the original design.  I finally decided to do only the one big basket in the lower left, and then add all of the applique.  Except for the star, which seems out of place completely.    

 The center is surrounded by a 4" piano key border, and hourglass blocks in the corners.  I'm planning to add those elements to whatever my center ends up being.  But first I need to get that applique done.

What's on your design wall today?  I'm linking up to:


  1. It's fun to make a design your own. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of exactly the same designs. Go for what you like.

  2. Your adaptations look great and more purposeful. The original looks cluttered and is much too busy to be appealing.

  3. Your little quilt is turning out great. I like the changes you have made. It is simpler and makes the basket block as well as the long stemmed flower stand out more. Nice work.

  4. I'm with you as far as nixing the star. But no, I don't think designers mind quilters changing up their patterns to make their own projects. I'll bet it's extremely satisfying for them to see what everyone makes with their patterns, each one a little bit different, knowing they helped to spark that creativity and gave others so much joy.


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