
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Mask fabrics

Just when I thought I had the fabrics figured out for the other kids' masks . . . 

Jonah (age 7) has decided he wants plain masks.  Now I'm trying to pull some choices together to send them photos.  I can definitely do plain, but I'm hoping he likes the spiders in the back because they are kind of fun.  The fishing and golf ones may be too "wild" for him.  The pink in the front I'll do for both girls.  And I have KC Chiefs fabric on order, so hopefully that family will want some of those.  

And notice the elastic - 100 yards.  I had ordered this online ages ago when elastic was not to be found around anywhere.  The first masks I made had strings to tie, so the elastic was totally forgotten.  I had recently purchased 10 yards locally for the kids' masks, and knew I could buy more as needed.  Now - look what appeared in yesterday!!  My lost and forgotten elastic order from April.


  1. Use the spider and fish Fabric for the back of the masks. I’m betting before too long it will become the mask front. Elastic is still hard to source here, so I’m using hair ties. Glad your order arrived.

  2. Great idea(s)! The Virginians are coming for a visit in August. Would be fun if you had some MN or SD theme fabric for making the boys a couple of new ones with elastic. Just a suggestion . . !


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