
Sunday, August 23, 2020

A little fun

 Sometimes a person just needs to treat themselves.  My treat on Saturday was double - some of our Simple Whatnots class met outside in a park picnic shelter.  And I bought a new quilting book. I love most any star block and this new Kim Diehl book has some very interesting star blocks.  I just couldn’t resist.

One of the fun things from our Simple Whatnots groups was seeing how our leader Gwen displays her small quilts.  She has done a whole “trunk show” at several guilds and even at the state fair. But we are lucky to have her sharing clever ideas each month at our class.  She had set up this little display for today using some doll furniture and other little treasures - with quilts tucked in for color.

Not everyone was able to attend, but it was sure good to see the gals who did make it.  We have a small group but it’s a fun group of ladies.  Gwen walked us through the pattern for this month’s small quilt project, and also showed us what next month’s quilt will look like.  We did Show n Tell, and chatted.  By the time we all headed home it had become hot and miserable outside and everyone was probably glad to go home to sew in air conditioned comfort.  


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