
Thursday, August 27, 2020

A very sad decision


I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life on Wednesday morning and call the veterinarian to make an appointment to euthanize my buddy Sammy.  Sadly I feel that we waited too long anyway, because he was obviously suffering.  He was about a week short of turning 19 years old.  Needless to say we will certainly miss the old guy!  He was pampered and loved these many years.


  1. It’s hard to say goodbye. Nineteen is a good, long lifetime!

  2. It's terribly hard isn't it. Hugs to you.

  3. Pretty, old boy. Sorry for your loss.

  4. From personal experience, I know how hard this decision was. Sammy will live with you forever in your memories.

  5. It is so so sympathy to is really hard to lose a four legged friend that you have loved so long. I won't tell you that time makes it my opinion it doesn't.

  6. So so sorry. Many hugs to you. He had a good life with you and will be missed. I lost my 13yo cat a year ago.came home from dr apt after surgery and she was gone in our house under the desk.felt so bad i wasnt tyere to comfort her.she had a clean bill of health from vet days before. They imprint on our hearts for sure. Hugs


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