
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Finishing & sorting

 I took Monday off and it felt so good to just do what I wanted to do all day.  That included some sewing, and some sorting and organizing.  And I watched an old Spencer Tracy movie while binding this little gem.  Potting Shed is quilted and bound, and hanging up. 

The color is a bit on the "yellow" side because it's hanging in my living room, and this is how overhead lighting makes it look.  But I can enjoy this one hanging here until it's time to hang a Christmas wall hanging from this quilt rail. 

Same room, same lighting - but my big (24 x 36") pillow form arrived yesterday.  Definitely this one is pillow sham size.  

Notice the fall runner and wire pumpkin on top of my treadle machine.  I finally got around to putting out some of my pretty fall decor pieces.  This is a time of year that I enjoy decorating for.  

And the other thing I did yesterday was start the process of going through quilting books in my sewing room bookcase.  There is a whole decade of these Great American Quilts books. These are just the beginning of the book purge.  Many more books will be added to the stack.  I plan to give these away.  

This will be a slow process because I'm going through these to see if there is anything I really want to save.  One final chance to enjoy these books before letting someone else enjoy them.  It will also be slow because the books have to come upstairs, and I'm only carrying small armfuls at a time. 


  1. Two nice finishes! I bet those books are fun to page through! :)

  2. It's so hard to purge books isn't it. I always think, but I might want to make that some day! However I did go through a bunch of other craft books and either gave or tossed, I haven't missed them yet and that was several years ago. Did the same thing with patterns.

  3. Such cute finishes! I sorted books when mom passed and got rid of a lot, but did save a lot too. I have them in 2 small totes 1 row of my cabinet. I don't know that I'll make much from them, but I also do not want to get rid of them either. I'm pretty selective about what I buy now.

  4. Scan or photograph the pages in the books you’d like to keep. I did that when I had to downsize.

  5. Everything looks great! I can't wait to see the new bench pillow.

  6. Potting She’d is awesome! I like decorating for fall also! And purging book is on my to-do list, always!


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