
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The value of friends

I can't express enough how much I appreciate the people I've "met" online through blogging.  I've even met a couple of you in person now.  For the most part, my social media friends are positive, thoughtful people - and I so appreciate the comments they leave.  I started the blog as my personal journal but it has become so much more. 

I recently received this beautiful handmade card from a blogging friend, expressing sympathy over the loss of our 19 year old kitty.  What a kind gesture, and I know she understands the grief associated with losing our pets because she has gone through it too.  Thank you, Connie!

Another blogging friend made the offer to trade puzzles over the summer.  We have more than quilting and blogging in common. We're both educators.  Even though we've never met, it has been enjoyable to share emails - and now real mail - with her.  This was the puzzle I received from her earlier this summer, along with a couple of adorable fat quarters.  I recently mailed a box in return to Mari.  Hope she enjoys her box as much as I'm enjoying this one. 

And last winter I received this beautiful mug rug in my favorite color from another reader and blogging friend.  It's currently sitting under my coffee cup on my desk, right next to my laptop.  I use it every single day - and always think of the maker LeAnna.  

I belong to a couple of very small private Facebook groups that I initially joined because of the quilting focus of the group.  But those ladies have also become "friends" and I find their online presence such a blessing in this weird world we are currently inhabiting. 

So - I've vented about the pornographic comments and scam comments left on old blog posts - hidden for some nefarious purpose.  But the good things coming from having my online presence overcome those bad things.  Thank you to my readers!!


  1. The blogging community is very supportive...I am so glad you liked the card...I know how lonely it can be after a four legged fried dies:(


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