
Friday, September 4, 2020

Too much of everything

Obviously my sewing room is out of control again.  I went down after supper last night thinking I was going to attach that binding onto the QOV.  Standing in the doorway, this old bookcase is what I see first.  And it needs a serious clean-out, even though this is much less messy than most of the rest of the room currently is.   

Top shelf has quilting novels from 2 of my favorite authors - Earlene Fowler and Jennifer Chiaverini.  A couple of old family photos, and a couple of trinkets fill out the shelf.  I'm not good at giving away books, so maybe that top shelf just needs dusting.  LOL

The second shelf has pattern books, a basket full of patterns, and a little paper bag holding a kit.  The kit has sat in that same place for 3 or 4 years.  It's too cute to toss, but . . . am I really going to ever get to it?  At the very least it needs to go on my PIG list.  

Behind the drop down - more patterns.  Bottom 2 shelves - more patterns.  There is a small bookcase at the other end of the room with the pattern books I'm currently using, so all of these have probably not been touched recently.  I set a goal this month to clean up at least one area in the room.  I think this needs to be the one I start with.    



  1. The challenge is to be resolute -- too often when cleaning/tidying I come across something that I put aside for a good reason and have forgotten about. I decided that the good reason is still good and back it goes. Multiply several dozen times . . .

  2. I did a knit book purge recently, it was necessary. Now I am trying to not buy up quilting patterns and books, but it might be a losing endeavor. At least I buy digital where possible, just to keep from amassing another library!

  3. I have a really hard time parting with books... and fabric... LOL But I do try to clean out every so often. ;)

  4. I clean when i am in a ruthless mood. Then out it goes. Lol but I am not in that mood very often. Ha ha

  5. I cleaned up my quilting book bookcase earlier this year. It was well worth the effort. Good luck!


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