
Monday, October 26, 2020

Design Wall Monday - Weekend progress

Saturday was cold and the snow began about supper time.  By noon on Sunday we had about 5 inches of wet heavy snow.  A perfect weekend for some sewing.

Some progress was made on Kim Diehl's Pleased As Punch small quilt.  The center of the quilt is layed out like a big 9 patch - with 4 star blocks and 5 lily blocks.  I now have 3 lily blocks made and 2 of the star blocks.  The outer border has actual 9 patch blocks - 12 of them, and those are all made. 

It's always fun when I can begin to see how the layout is going to look.  This is definitely going to be one of my favorite Simple Whatnots designs.  

My other Sunday sewing was to get the binding on both of the Silent Night table runners. A picture of those runners will have to wait for another day however because they are very dark and just didn't photograph well in the evening light.

What's on your design wall today?  I'm linking up with:


  1. Nice and scrappy! That was quite a snowstorm -- we just got rain, and more is in the forecast. You're right: good quilting weather!

  2. You've got a great start on your project. We've been breezing along with temperate weather for what feels like months. It is odd to still be in the 70s in October although not unremembered. Sunday dropped 20 degrees from Saturday -- now it's in the 50s. No 70s showing on the long range forecast. Good quilting weather but not so good for long walks. Oh well, I'll still get out there.

  3. I can see why this is one of your favorite designs. I like it, too. It snowed here all day yesterday and is bitter cold this morning with a wind chill of -17°. I’m glad I have nowhere to go.

  4. Gorgeous prints and colors, blocks and border. I love Kim Diehl's color sense but some of her patchwork is a bit tiny for me :)

  5. I thought maybe you got snow from the looks of South Dakota. We had our fourth snow yesterday but it didn't amount to much. Your new block look great!

  6. Wow, snow! It sounds like the kind of snow that I like, wet, and very "snowman making" kind of snow. We are still having 'snow falling' of autumn leaves, great gusts of them falling at once. I really like your Kim Diehl quilt, especially the nine patches in the outer border. Great idea. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday, Judy


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