
Friday, October 30, 2020

One more block

The final block for Pleased As Punch is on my little design board and ready to finish.  I'm hoping that by Saturday afternoon I'll have the whole top put together.  It's only going to be about 30" square so it should be an attainable goal - 9 blocks plus a border.   

These design boards are so handy.  This one is 14" square but I also have 2 of them that are larger.  For this project I laid out all of the parts and pieces on one of the big boards as I cut them, and then moved the pieces for each individual block onto the small board for sewing.  This definitely cuts down on getting pieces into the wrong location in a block with lots of little parts. 

The other wonderful thing about these boards is that I could pick up the whole board and move it out of the way without disturbing the layout.  This way I could work on some other things in between sewing these blocks.  


  1. I use 16” poster board squares the same way. I can prepare and stack the blocks and move them all without disturbing the pieces.

  2. Love the design board. I have some flannel covered canvases and I use them a lot for laying out blocks.

  3. I would be constantly switching pieces around!


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