
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Silent Night

 My regular readers know what this is . . . yup, another 60 degree runner.  Two runners actually.  These are not made with a traditional border print.  They were cut from panels depicting the song Silent Night.  I fell in love when I saw them and bought two panels.  From those two panels I've made both runners plus another small project. 

Yesterday morning while it was cold and still outside I stepped out on my front porch and took this picture of one of our trees.  This ash tree actually still had leaves on it and looked so pretty.  And then about noon the wind came up, and after several hours of 30-49 mph winds blowing, that tree is mostly naked this morning.  Our fall colors just don't last long enough.   


  1. The foliage here has been wonderful -- sunny days and warm temps added to our enjoyment. A cold front arrived last night and it's 25 degrees cooler today! Your runners are a nice way to use the border print.

  2. Gorgeous table runners! My ash trees were always the last to leaf out in the Spring and the first to turn and drop their leaves in the Fall. I always loved the golden glow from the trees that filled the house in the Fall.

  3. Hope all the leaves blew into the street! Lovely table runners!

  4. You made good use of those panels. Your table runners look great. The trees change color so late here, about the time the leaves look pretty, we get our first freeze and all the leaves just fall off.


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