
Thursday, November 19, 2020

A UFO from 2003

 This quilt has been a UFO for a LONG time.  But now it's hanging at the bottom of the stairs where I'll enjoy seeing it whenever I go down to my sewing room.  Actually it can be seen from the top of the steps too, so that is a bonus. 

Autumn Glow is a project from the 2003 Thimbleberries Club.  Isn't that a blast from the past?  I made the top in 2003 and attempted to hand quilt it.  That didn't go well and I set it aside to become a UFO.  Last month I decided to pick out the hand quilting and send it out to be quilted.  It was very obvious that I would NEVER finish that hand quilting.  Plus the quality of my hand quilting 17 years ago was terrible, so it deserved to be removed.  

What was hanging here before?  This "spring" quilt from the same Thimbleberries Club project year has been hanging in the spot.  I hand quilted this one, which is probably why I thought I needed to do the same with the fall quilt. The 2003 club had 4 small quilts - one for each season.  I didn't like the summer one at all, and used the fabrics for something else long ago.  The winter quilt has snowmen and most of the fabrics are still tied together with the pattern, but I have no idea whether or not I'll ever make it.  Maybe I need to put it on my 2021 UFO list as a possibility.     

Another task I've finally managed to tackle is quilt storage.  This corner cabinet entertainment center was in the living room of our previous house with a TV in that big center section.  Remember how deep and heavy those TVs were?  Well, in this house I put that cabinet in a corner of our master bedroom, with a smaller flat screen TV on top.  I've had an antique wooden chest and a big plant in that center section for 14 years.

But now it's holding folded quilts.  The angels on all of the other shelves stayed put, although I've been thinking I need to reduce the size of that angel collection one of these days.  There is room for 1 more quilt in that center section and as soon as I take down the Halloween quilt hanging in the dining room, it will be folded up and tucked in here.  I think I could roll up some smaller quilts like wall hangings and maybe put them along the side.  


  1. Congrats! on your finish. Your pile of quilts is beautiful.

  2. I recognized that as a Thimbleberries design before I began to read your post! That's a nice way to repurpose the entertainment center. (I see so many in the furniture section of thrift shops.)

  3. Autumn Glow looks wonderful hanging by the trunk. Most of my quilts are stored in bins. I need to find a better place that is more accessible, so I can enjoy them more.

  4. Love your new quilt location. I have a curio cabinet that the bottom holds some folded quilts.

  5. congrats! it's lovely and now you can see it on display!

    1. ps, origen is wonderfully read on audio if you like being read to.

  6. You have some lovely quilts! I saw a barrister bookcase for sale on a local swap and shop on facebook...I was so tempted! It would make a lovely display case for quilts....but I need less furniture not more!
    Most of my stuff... table toppers and quilts are tucked away.


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