
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2020 in review

Rainbow Scrap Challenge provided me with some major fun again this year.  I made a big variety of blocks, and mostly played with color.  Lots of bright colors!

I did have a couple of complete quilt finishes this year with my RSC blocks - Rainbow Strings and Beads.  See top left quilt, and the one below it.  

Ohio Stars is a completed flimsy (top center photo), but is hanging in the closet for now until I decide whether or not to make it bigger with more blocks.  The Ohio Star is one of my very favorite star blocks, so if I decide to make more it won't be a hardship. 

There are only 20 of the Gingham blocks (bottom right photo) so far - and I will make a few more in 2021 so the quilt can be bigger.  This one will not have any sashing so I'll need quite a few for a good sized quilt. 

The Ritzy Cracker blocks (bottom middle) are sewn into sets of 2 - and waiting for me to finish the flimsy.  I can't remember if there are enough for just a small quilt or a medium sized one.  These need to get back onto my radar to finish. 

Diamond Tile, Wisdom, Twinkle Star, and Blossom Time all need lots more blocks and will all continue into the new year as well.  Wisdom blocks have become my new obsession, and I especially love them made with bigger prints.  

There are only 14 of the Twinkle Star blocks made so far, as I forgot about them the last half of the year - mostly due to playing with some other blocks.  

The 12 blocks made earlier in the year, plus the yellow/gold versions made on Christmas Eve . . . kind of look like the Christmas Star.

I'm linking up to the host site of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge:

What fun will she have in store for us in 2021?  I'm looking forward to a fresh start with some new blocks to play with, and to make more of the ones I have been making.


  1. very are tempting me big

  2. You were busy this past year! Love all of your colorful blocks and quilts.

  3. your churn dash (wisdom blocks?) are great! one of my favorite blocks, and i'm hoping to work them into my RSC21 roundup. looking forward to more RSC sewing next year!

  4. I forgot about those twinkle star blocks. Those yellow's do look like a Christmas star. That bead quilt is one of my favorites. Lots of pretty eye candy quilts to see!

  5. You've got some pretty projects going there! I love playing with color, too, and the RSC is definitely perfect for that. Those Twinkle Stars are going to make a beautiful quilt!

  6. A lot of bright and beautiful projects! I love the first of the second row, lovely!

  7. SEW many bright and cheerful scraps used this year, Sara! It looks like we'll be in for more of the same in 2021. :o))

  8. The twinkle stars are such pretty blocks, and I love your Rainbow beads quilt.

  9. I like all the scrappy quilt had fun!

  10. So many pretty blocks. Years end is a nice opportunity to take stock and pull out the forgotten collections.

  11. Beautiful RSC projects! The Twinkle Star blocks are my favorite. I've made one quilt with them. I may have to make another, with a black background the next time.


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