
Thursday, December 17, 2020

This n That

Happy Thursday!  That means it's almost the end of another week of survival, right?

I have another 8 star blocks made and ready to attach to the opposite side of Unity from the first group. And I think I finally have enough little kits cut to make the stars for the remaining 2 sides, except for 4 sets of black background pieces.  Because these blocks are only 4.5" square, they all contain some very tiny flying geese sections to make the star points.  And I'm trying to make sure the pink star points all go to the right and the aqua ones go to the left.  Plus those are a LOT of 1.5" squares to deal with, so I'm taking it slow. 

Some of the star blocks are partially sewn.  I think there is a pretty good variety of fabrics for this scrappy set of blocks.  Getting this round of Unity done was one of my main December goals. 

December 17 . . . it's my baby's birthday today.  My youngest daughter turned 37.  Boy that makes me feel old and decrepit.  I sent her flowers this year.  The vase has a reindeer face and there are felt antlers sticking out among the flowers.  Kind of a blend of holiday and birthday cheer.  It's not a very practical gift but sometimes a person needs to give something cheerful instead of just practical.  The kids like the flowers - red roses and white lilies, and a little greenery.  

Their 11th wedding anniversary is this Saturday.  But since they are still recovering from Covid at their house I'm guessing they won't be going out to celebrate.  She is back at work as of Tuesday but now is broken out with hives and swelling.  Her husband is still in that "getting well" stage.  However the kiddos are home quarantining per school district guidelines. 

The older daughter is scheduled to receive her first Covid vaccine at work today.  Her hospital didn't get enough to do ALL staff yet (same as everywhere), but has begun the process.  First up was the staff working in the Covid units full time - doctors, nurses, housekeeping, etc. Now they are moving on to staff who work in the Covid units as needed.  That includes her.  She is a respiratory therapist, mostly working in pulmonary rehab areas.  I'm quite relieved that she is getting the vaccine early.  


  1. Happy Birthday to your youngest daughter. The floral gift is cheerful. Great news that your other daughter will receive the vaccine today.

  2. Happy Birthday to your baby! The flowers look so pretty and your grands so cute! Good to hear of people getting the vaccine! There is hope for us afterall!

  3. Very fun flowers! Happy birthday and get well wishes to your daughter. Sounds like life has not been fun and she really needed the flowers.


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