
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Border or no border?

I can't decide - does this need a border or not?  I'm looking for advice.

If I were to add a border my thought is a narrow black one on the sides to match the top and bottom.  Then I could add a narrow pink one, and finally a little wider black border. 

What do you think?  


  1. ohhh So - I like this just the way it looks now with no border - but! Will it be the size you want? If it is the size you are aiming for - I would totally leave it.... but if you need it bigger - black borders....

  2. if it were mine, would just bind with one of those neon, green, turquoise...the latter is my personal fave tho

  3. It would be beautiful with the border you mentioned...but it is pretty just the way it is...I am of no help!

  4. I think it's wonderful as it is. Add a border only if you need to increase the size.

  5. I think you could go either way. I like your potential plan of a narrow black on the sides, followed by pink and then a final black border. I like my quilts to have a frame, they just seem more complete.


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