
Friday, January 15, 2021

Sewing & winter storms

Thursday afternoon we were under a winter storm watch (soon to be warning) which put a kink into my plans.  And it's all about me, right?  Mother Nature has been showing her multiple personalities lately.  Tuesday and Wednesday were nearly 50 degrees, which isn't normal for South Dakota in January.  Thursday the wind began to howl - tipping over semis on the Interstate type of wind, and the schools east and north of us began to close early.  So we pushed up our "road trip" to Thursday afternoon which meant I didn't get to sew.  But I'll survive.

Those flannel pillowcases are now finished and ready to mail to 2 kiddos in Australia.  Flannel may not have been the best fabric choice for their locale, but it was what I could find at the time.  The Hogwarts theme should make them happy, as they have just begun to read the first Harry Potter book with their parents.  

The only other thing I have to show is the "test block" I made for the Grassy Creek mystery.  Where my navy blue is, Bonnie Hunter had red. And she had orange where I put purple.  Otherwise I kept her colors of gold, grey, green.  It's not bad as is, but I may make another block with the "right" colors and see if I like it better.  


  1. The wind has been howling and toppling semis here as well. Lots of roads closed because of the incessant winds - some gusts clocked at 105mph.

  2. We are still in the warning or watch or whatever until late Friday, we didn't get much snow and so far the winds are only about 25 mph so we got off lucky this time...I think it is icy out there!
    Now that you have that block together I can see the red and orange in place of blue and purple...I bet it is easier on the eye.
    I bet postage was a bummer. I mailed something there a few years ago and it was 25$ :)

  3. I would keep the colors but trade out for a more muted yellow. Looks good.

  4. Crazy weather all over it seems. We got the winds, just not as strong as you did. The pillow cases are really fun. I like the colors for your draft block for Grassy Creek. I've not gotten a full block together yet, so I'm not sure if I'll like her colors or not.


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