
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Stay At Home Round Robin

I know I shouldn't start something else new, but . . . I couldn't resist.  For the past week I've been seeing info about SAHRR - Stay At Home Round Robin - online, and have been very intrigued.  I've enjoyed the round robin and row robin projects our guild has done in the past.  This one will be done by ourselves, but with a different person assigning each new round.  

Check out the information here:

Early Monday morning I checked out the info on the 1st Round.  The host recommended we go to each of the "co-hosts" to see how they interpreted the instructions.  That is what finally convinced me to dive in.  Each of the 7 designers had unique ideas for the piano keys assigned for Round 1, and each of them used totally different center blocks, even different sizes. 

So, I had a couple of orphan blocks tucked into a labeled project box that would make excellent center squares.  This one is the 9" Jackknife block that Bonnie Hunter had in a fall issue of Quiltmaker magazine, and she has recently been showing 2-color blocks she's working on using this pattern.

I have to admit that I tried out the block, but had some major issues getting the hourglass sections the right size even though usually the hourglass is so easy.  I cut them wrong the first time, and again a second time due to not following the instructions properly.  Once frustrated with the block it went into the orphan block box, possibly never to be seen again.  But yesterday I decided it could maybe be rescued with this project.  Luckily I had enough of that little dot fabric in the scraps to add the 1.5" border, and found 4 little red squares in my postage stamp tin. It felt like it needed that border to stop the eye before adding anything.  Next came 2.5" piano keys and dark blue corner squares. I had to sliver trim the piano key border lengths to fit but that's OK.  

This finished block is now 13.5" square and is hanging on the design wall waiting for next week's new round assignment.  The nice thing with this SAHRR is no pressure.  I can choose to add a round or not depending on whether I like it or can come up with an idea for it.  


  1. I like where this is headed and look forward to seeing your progress.

  2. Looks like a fun idea! Can't wait to see what it turns out to be.

  3. Great start on the round robin challenge. Another blogger I read regularly is also participating. Like you, she likes the flexibility of the challenge.

  4. It is perfect!!! I love how you have made it come alive!

  5. This sounds like so much fun. And nice way to use those orphan blocks. They are very pretty.


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