
Saturday, February 6, 2021

A little stitching to end the week

 Working extra hours cut deep into my sewing time this week, but I managed to end my Friday afternoon with some stitching.

String blocks are part of my RSC plans again this year, but I decided to do something a little different from last year’s rainbow strings.  I’m putting 4 blocks together like this for each color.  The individual quarters are squared up to 9.5”, so the 4 together make an 18” finished block.

One yellow Wisdom block is joined by a pink one and a green one.  I have 25 of these now in the set so I’m close to having enough.  I also have a second set of these going that I’m making from a layer cake. Those will be a separate project. 

The whole weekend is predicted to be bitter cold with highs in the single digits, and I’m hoping that means I get to spend lots of time sewing.  Add these yellow blocks to what I made at the beginning of the week, and I have a great start on the RSC blocks for this month. 


  1. The black strips make the other colors “pop.” They will make a stunning quilt.

  2. Busy bee, you have a lot more yellows than most of us.

  3. Fun yellow blocks! Hope you're staying warm and enjoying some sewing this afternoon!

  4. Cute variety of blocks. You're reminding me how much I love Ohio Stars, but still haven't made a quilt with them.

  5. Your strings look great! Lots of great progress on your yellows. Such a sweet house block

  6. I do like your string blocks with the black accent strip.


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