
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday To Do - One little doll quilt and more tulip blocks

 Using leftover squares from Olivia's unicorn quilt (a couple of years ago), I finally got her doll quilt made to go with it.  If I had waited any longer she might not still love playing with her dolls. LOL

More of the Blossom Time blocks have joined the collection.  So far in February I've made 5 more tulip blocks for this on-going project.  Only 1 of them is yellow, but February isn't over yet so more yellow ones may be on the horizon. 

These 4 are ready to sew into a "quad" section with 1" sashing and a green cornerstone in the center.  This will be the 10th one of the quad sections and each one is 13" square finished.  So I'm a long way from having enough for a whole quilt, but I'm happy to keep making these cheerful little blocks.  

On my "To Do" list this week:

** finish my yellow RSC blocks 
** prep and pack for an upcoming retreat
** work on emptying that big basket of scraps
** add stars to SAHRR
** make one more Laundry Line block

In just over a week I hope to be at a small retreat, sewing like a crazy person for 3 days.  I have bobbins to run and projects to organize.  And a list of supplies will continue to grow.  

I'm linking up to Tuesday To Do:


  1. Lucky you to go to a retreat! I’m not brave enough. The last one I attended resulted in several cases of COVID! Not me thank goodness! Good luck, wash your hands , wear a mask! I’m really liking your Blossom Time blocks!

  2. The doll quilt is precious! I vividly remember the quilts my Mom made for my dolls. The tulip blocks are fun and cheerful, and remind me Spring is getting closer every day. Enjoy the retreat.

  3. How exciting that you'll be able to go to a retreat! I am trying to get my friends to go to a cabin with me for a retreat.

  4. Cute doll quilt and I love how you are making "quad" section with the tullip blocks. Enjoy your time at the retreat but stay safe.

  5. Oh what fun to go to a retreat!! Have a blast!

  6. Congrats on the doll quilt finish. They do seem to outgrow the doll and Disney stuff pretty quickly. The Tulip blocks look great, very springy on a cold winter's day.


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