
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Prep Day on Hump Day

 Yay!!  It's Wednesday and in 2 days I'm escaping to a quilt retreat weekend.  Today is prep day - in more ways than just the upcoming quilting retreat.  I have to work this morning, but once my desk is cleared of current tasks (hopefully by noon), then my focus can switch.  

I'm making a list and checking it twice. Oh wait - that is for Christmas, right?  Well, I'm a list maker because otherwise I just don't remember to do things.  My retreat list is sitting on top of 3 UFO project boxes on my dining room table where I can keep adding to it as needed.  The project boxes hold my bigger retreat projects.  Also note the spools of thread - sitting there to remind me I want to wind a bunch of extra bobbins before I leave.  And there is a baggie with some binding strips I cut for a quilt that is currently at the quilter.  

Along the wall in my dining room is my sewing machine, and the rolling cart that is collecting some of the items from my list - extension cord, power strip, small ironing board, bags of block kits.  There is still room for my iron, a small lamp, my little box with scissors, rotary cutter, pins, etc.  And there are still a lot of things on my list that I will need to gather up.  

My other prep happening today - for the colonoscopy that is happening tomorrow morning.  After suffering a perforated colon about 12 years ago, and having 4 surgeries, a colonoscopy has become quite routine for me.  I've had several of them over the years and the prep has certainly gotten easier.  No more attempting to drink a whole gallon of the fluid that cleans you out. Now you drink a couple of small pints of flavored clear fluid.  


  1. Colonoscopies are not fun, but good health is worth it. I know you'll have a grand time at the retreat. Enjoy every minute!

  2. Yuck, never fun. With large polyps from the past and a mom who had colon cancer, I have to go every 3 years. Good luck with all your prep and procedures and retreat!

  3. Lists and piles - I do the same thing when getting ready for a trip. Once the colonoscopy is over, you’ll be ready for a relaxing and fun retreat.

  4. I hope all goes well with your colonoscopy, every dr has their own regimen as Far Guy found out...he cannot drink gallons of fluid and the Dr he has does not like the Magnesium Citrate...not sure why. One year at retreat my daughter discovered that her husband packed her car for her and missed a whole bunch of containers. I miss going to retreat...maybe next September! Have fun!

  5. Hope the colonoscopy went well and you get a clean bill of health. Enjoy the retreat this weekend.


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