
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Just a bit of sewing

 I didn't spend much time in my sewing room yesterday at all, but I did get some stitching done.  The most recent 4 Tulip Time (Blossom Time) blocks were sewn into a "quad" section.  This is number 13. 

In the afternoon, this blue binding . . .

. . . was attached to this Ohio Star UFO quilt, and the hand stitching has begun.

Other good things took place yesterday.  I had a hair appointment in the morning, and I'm another step closer to my dark brown hair being its natural white color.  Yikes - that is scary, and I hope it looks good on me.  But I've decided if I don't like it then I'll just go back to dying it brown again.

I made a quick stop at The Pin Cushion to look for a backing for Urban Cabin. Success was had, and the quilt top along with a rich golden brown wide backing are now waiting in line to be quilted.  A couple of fat quarters came home with me too, for some possible future Country Bunny blocks.

When I got home my son-in-law was at our house with grandson Jack.  He had an appointment in town with a client, so Jack rode along and played at our house while dad visited the client.  They had lunch with us and hung out a while before heading home in time to pick up Sophia at school.  

My coffee is ready, so it's time to go play in the sewing room while it rains more this morning.  Today my goal is finishing the Roll On blocks and getting the quilt top laid out and ready to sew into rows.  Next up is a green Gingham block for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and a little end of the month organizing that needs to be done again to be ready for some April goals.  Then there is binding to continue with while watching some NCAA basketball on TV later. 


  1. Your tulip blocks are lovely! You are going to have a very pretty quilt. Happy stitching!

  2. I love those tulip blocks! And your Ohio Star quilt, too - looks like you'll have a finish soon!

  3. Hi,
    Beautiful Tulip the blue for
    your binding...have a great day!

  4. I recall when I went all natural it was a process...and it seems my hair is still changing shades of grey:) I need to go get a hair cut after my two weeks after shot 2 is up.
    Your tulip blocks are so cute and Springy:)

  5. Love your binding and the star top. Funny how our hair goes different shades when we grow the colour out. Mine went platinum and not the colour we were expecting.

  6. Beautiful star top. and I like how you made the tulip block.

  7. Several of my friends let their hair go natural during isolation, and I think it’s wonderful. I’m sure you’ll be happy with the result. I stopped dyeing my prematurely grey/white hair in the mid-1970s.

  8. Love, love, LOVE your Tulip Time block, Sara!! Nice choice on the binding for that Ohio Star quilt. About the hair? I found that the gray (white) takes some getting used to. There is a lot of, "Who IS that woman in the mirror?!?!"

  9. Can’t wait to see Ohio Star all bound and beautiful! Soon you’ll ce able to put Tulip Time blocks together!

  10. There's nothing wrong with going, or staying grey!

  11. Lovely tulips blocks. The blue binding will look great on the Ohio Star quilt.

  12. You had me at the tulips blocks, and then you show me a snazzy Ohio star, too? Be still my heart!

  13. Tulips are looking amazing and I love the blue binding for the Ohio stars. I've gone natural with my hair colour for about 4 years now, the gray is coming but I'm try to embrace it by keeping my hair style short and trendy.

  14. Yay for progress! So many projects each moved one tiny step further along. Always nice to get so much accomplished

  15. Let me tell u about my experience as a white haired woman. I struggled going gray but I just wasn't up to keeping my fast growing hair colored. By winter I was completely gray. My friends and I took a trip to New City first week in December. As we got off the tour bus they were ahead of me with their gloves, coats closed up and caps on. Me bringing up the rear was putting on my gloves and just getting to my cap. Construction workers were in the area. We all heard the men whistling and cat calling like in the movies. And they turned around and me I am still doddling along with my gloves and no hat. They are laughing at the workers and THEN we hear "Hey Lady with the white hair!" I then turn and wave and he says, "Your white hair is beautiful!" So ya' see sometimes we white haired ladies get the attention.

  16. When I worked outside the home, I kept my hair colored. I was 55 when I "retired" and was done with that. The gray came in and I'm perfectly suited with it. I feel like I earned each & every one of them raising a couple of kids, moving every 4-5 years as a military spouse, and just life in general. I feel like as long as you're comfortable in whatever color hair you wear then you'll look your best!

    Anyway, I love your tulip blocks but I really, really, really love that binding binding fabric! It's going to bind a really gorgeous quilt. Great job and glad to hear you had a nice visit with your SIL and grandson. Happy times!


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