
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

A little progress on several projects

More forward progress has been made on multiple projects, and it makes me happy.

The 13 house blocks for Humble Homes (UFO) have fusible ironed on.  I'll cut these out while watching evening TV this week.  The next step on this project is cutting the long strips (50+ inches) used for the horizontal rows of this quilt.  Two are cut, with 3 more needed.  Then I'll measure and mark where each house and tree will be appliqued.  This will be a slow project, but mostly satisfying. 

The 6 rows are all made for the Roll On baby quilt.  Two of those rows are actually sewn together, but the others are ready to add.  This quilt top will most likely be finished by the end of the weekend.

Last week's Farmer's Wife Sampler blocks are both done, and I will be working on this week's blocks later today I hope.  Corn and Beans (left side) gave me some fits, but it was a good reminder of the need for accurate cutting AND sewing!  Don't look too closely at the points of those brown triangles.  However, I had to remind myself that this quilt isn't going into any competition, so I'm just going to be content to have this block live the way it is. It's OK not to be perfect sometimes.

Binding is ready to press and then attach to the Flamingo Quick Strippee quilt.  That one is so bright and cheery so the yellow binding will be perfect for it. 


  1. I agree, sometimes done is better. The blocks still look good.

  2. Life’s too short to stress over little things like triangle points. I shrugged off that error on my last quilt. I’ve always wanted to make a house quilt; perhaps, 2021 is the year that happens.

  3. You have been busy! Your house quilt is going to be so pretty!

  4. Love the blocks! Looks like it will be a gorgeous quilt.


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