
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Odds 'n Ends

 Yesterday was our twin grandkids' 8th birthdays and we were fortunate enough to spend part of the day with them.  Olivia got her ears pierced for her birthday, and I got to go along.  A very special opportunity for me.  Jonah was thrilled because he received lots of "weapons" for his birthday - nerf guns were popular.  There were lots of doggie kisses at their house.  And hugs from all 3 of the kids - absolutely priceless.   

It also meant I didn't spend much time sewing, although early in the morning I did kit up the pink and cream Brick Street project, and some Tulip Time blocks.  So - the nicest of days, with a good mixture of sunshine, family, and sewing.  Life is good. 

I sewed one of the Tulip Time blocks last night, but the other 3 are ready to sew later today.  My plan is to make at least 4 per month so that I can put together one of the "quad" sections. By the end of the year, I might have enough quads to make a quilt.  Maybe . . . but there's no rush on these.

On Friday morning I joined the ranks of the fully vaccinated.  I had no side effects from either shot, other than a mildly sore arm.  My husband will get his second shot next Friday.  It makes me feel like the world is slowly returning to some kind of normal.  


  1. Happy 8th birthday to the kiddos! They both look like they had an excellent day. Congrats on surviving the second dose. Fingers crossed all the vaccinations will mean a return to normality soon. Happy stitching today.

  2. The smiles say it all, happy birthday to your Grands! Way to go on your vaccination it is good to hear that you had no reaction1


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