
Friday, May 28, 2021

Blocks, blocks, blocks

 Wednesday I had nearly all day to just sew.  It was so much fun to play in my sewing room - and I'll fess up that I do have a bit of a mess on my cutting table again.  

I made 12 more Boxed Squares blocks, and cut the pieces for 10 more.  There are 38 completed blocks now for that next Quilt of Valor.  And I've used up quite a few of the smaller leftovers from that patriotic fabric drawer that has been overflowing.  

And I'm all caught up with the Farmers Wife Sampler blocks.  These are Big Dipper, Bowtie, Birds in the Air, and Peace & Plenty - all 6" finished blocks.  

We are 13 weeks into this challenge, so we have 26 blocks completed.  And there are still LOTS to go, but I'm having fun and making 2 per week is manageable.  So far these are all made from the leftovers of a few years worth of Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots projects.  

I do have one block from this week that needs a bit of tweaking.  The Big Dipper block is just a little too small, but it can be fixed.  Maybe I'll make smaller seams to match the quarter sections - or I could just frame it with more of the light background and then trim it to size.  Either option will work out. 


  1. So glad you had an all day sew-in, you got lots done and they look great!

  2. Lots of pretty fabrics in your various blocks - you have a nice variety of patriotic fabrics. The sampler blocks are going to make a gorgeous quilt. Making two blocks a week is a realistic and manageable goal.


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