
Monday, May 10, 2021

Busy with everything but sewing

 We spent the weekend in Omaha for my great-niece's high school graduation celebration.  It was such fun to gather with family, even for a couple of days.  My sister-in-law, my oldest daughter, and my 8 year old granddaughter rode along, leaving on Saturday morning and getting home about 11:00 last night.  We had such a good time!

The graduate hadn't opened her gifts yet when we left Sunday, so I'll be curious to see what she thinks of the quilt I gave her.  She got Jelly Belly Bars, and I already have 2 more quilts in gift bags for 2 more great-nieces graduating within the next weeks.  

Today I'm driving a friend to a doctor appointment. She can't drive yet following her knee replacement, so I'm happy to help her out.  And either Thursday or Friday I'll be driving my sister-in-law to a doctor appointment too.  Again - always glad when I can help out, because both would do the same for me.  

In between the chauffeuring we have guys coming to clean our ducts in the house.  And we're having all of our carpets cleaned.  I might be ready to lose my mind by the end of the week.  


  1. Congratulations to Natalie! It’s wonderful that families can once again gather to celebrate. I know your friend and SIL appreciate the rides to doctor appointments. Snowing here this morning, so it will be a baking and sewing day.

  2. Such a fun trip. So glad you could go and I'm sure she'll love the quilt.

  3. Your weekend sounds fabulous after the long year we have had with covid. Can't wait to be with friends and family again. Hang in there your week will go fast and the results will be great!

  4. What a fun yard display and very cute quilt!


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