
Monday, May 24, 2021

Design Wall Monday - May 24

 It wasn't a very productive weekend in terms of sewing but I did get the laundry done and the flowers transplanted.  That is about all I accomplished however, so my Design Wall still holds Brick Street.

This was a PIG (Project in Grocery Sack).  It was fabric that was long abandoned and forgotten in my stash - with no pattern.  So maybe it wasn't really a PIG since the original project planned for that fabric is still a mystery.  But anyway . . . it is nearly a finished quilt top.  The 20 blocks are all made and sewn together, and the borders are cut.  I had good intentions for having those border attached on Sunday, but never stepped foot in the sewing room.  

Brick Street is a pattern from Fast & Fun 3-Yard Quilts, a book I had also forgotten that I had.  There are several patterns in this book that I want to make now that I've found it again.   

The 2 main prints are kind of an 80s dusty pink color, which is outside of my preferred color palette.  Someone might love it, but not me.  I'm considering donation of this as a finished top rather than quilt it myself.  But whatever I decide, it's nearly done and that fabric will have not lived in vain. 

I've linked up to Design Wall Monday:


  1. Oh, your progress sounds like mine. (Though I have the flowers and vegetables on the patio to harden off before I plant them.) Dated color schemes/prints can be so wearying -- good for you to sew them and move them on.

  2. What a lovely quilt top and such a fun design. I know the dusty pinks are dated but I have always been a pink girl and love them. Great job on pulling out this PIG to work on . Happy quilting.

  3. That’s a good pattern for a large print fabric. I’ve made a couple three yard quilts: the patterns make quick donation quilts.

  4. A pretty quilt and fun design. Dusty pink is a beautiful color, but it is not me either. Well done on getting the PIG finished!

  5. I'm not drawn to big florals but once they are tamed into something geometric, I can like them :) This is a great pattern for a small amount of fabric.


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