
Friday, May 21, 2021

Mid-week odds n ends

 HMMMM . . . this has turned into a TGIF kind of Friday.  There have been plenty of bright spots, but a few low spots too.  A bit of retail therapy always helps, right? 

I stopped into my local quilt shop yesterday, and came home with enough yardage to make pillowcases for each of the 5 grandkids.  These Halloween prints all glow in the dark!!  Isn't that fun? 

 Part of my plan for this morning - beside a ton of laundry - is to get my flowers planted.  This geranium will go into the big blue pot in the background for my front porch.  And I have 1 big pot to plant for the back deck.  That is the extent of my gardening I think.  

What were some low spots for the week?  I've been talking about this being the LAST semester of my 38 year teaching career.  I had 3 online courses this semester, plus I do the tech support for over 40 of our agency courses.  There are 3 students who now have extensions to mid-June to complete their coursework.  Bummer!!  And we had a teacher who is also retiring leave us with a mess.  She deleted ALL of the content from her 2 courses over the weekend!!  The content actually belongs to our agency, but she chose to be mean-spirited and leave empty course shells for the new teacher.  Too bad she got paid already last week for the spring semester.   I think she should be fined but it probably won't happen, and I'm guessing she is counting on that.  She wins!  


  1. She deleted all the information?! Why on earth would someone do that! She must be a very angry and unhappy individual. The geranium is beautiful. I don’t know if I’ll attempt to grow any flowers this summer. I had minimal success last year.

  2. What the retiring teacher did is IMHO very unprofessional. Is the course content backed-up on another drive or server so that it can be restored?

  3. Pretty Geranium! Wow what a poor sport she was...hope that someone can retrieve the information. :(

  4. I am so sorry you have had some rough days, and how disappointing to have to stay on a bit longer:( But wow did you find some fun fabric to play with!

  5. Not good. Hopefully your agency has put a backup plan in place so teachers can't delete content (or at least don't know it is permanently deleted. If you are a public school, I would think your tech dept would know to back up things. With the way the first part of the year has zoomed by, hopefully end of June will come quickly for you! Good luck with the pillow cases.!


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