
Monday, June 21, 2021

Design Wall Monday - June 21

 I quilted and bound my Cocktail table runner last week.  It's slightly smaller than the first one I made because of the size of pieces I had left over from that adorable border print.  But both are really good sizes for a table.  I have enough fabric left for a couple of small bags.

What is on your design wall today?

No sewing happened over this past weekend but lots of other things happened.  Friday was mostly spent cleaning out a closet in a guest bedroom.  That closet contained junk (electronics, posters, hats) my youngest child left here after college - 15 years ago!  It was full of my clothes - out of season, out of style, and some definitely not a size I will ever wear again.  Seasonal decorations, and bags of "stuff" that had belonged to my mother-in-law who passed away 10 years ago.  I even found 4 big rolls of maps from engineering projects my husband finished years ago.  What those maps were doing with the out of season clothes - I have no idea!!

All of the electronics, 2/3 of the clothes, and a big box of other odds and ends are all GONE!!  It took me most of the day, and one trip to a donation site, but this closet is much more organized.  I even added a hanging closet organizer to hold rolled up table runners.  Hey - I can actually see the floor!!

Saturday was a fun day, with a coffee date in the morning with 4 dear friends.  And the afternoon was a college graduation celebration for my great-nephew.  Lots of family to see and hug!!  

Sunday my husband and I played in a veteran's fundraiser golf tournament.  The wind howled at about 30 mph all day, but we had a good time anyway.  And we shot 1 over par (73) to take 3rd place in the mixed couples flight.  We were beat by 2 couples in their early 20s, so we felt pretty good about how well we played considering we were only beat by "kids" 40 years younger than us.  And over $11,000 was raised for 3 different veteran's projects locally which was wonderful.  

This morning I've turned in the final grade for my LAST online high school student, and will be officially retired from teaching as soon as I turn in a little paperwork today.  It's bittersweet to end that chapter of my professional life, but I'll have more time to have some fun.  

Happy Monday!!


  1. Kudos for tackling the closet. Isn’t it surprising how much stuff those little spaces can hold? Congratulations on the tournament finish. I have no doubt you will enjoy retirement.

  2. Congrats on your retirement! The closet looks awesome. I did that to the coat closet this weekend. It felt great to get rid of old winter clothes the kids no longer can wear.

  3. Oh those cocktail runners are so cute!!
    and wow!!what a difference in that closet!!

  4. I need to tackle my closet too! Looks like you did a great job! You had a fun busy weekend, congrats on your retirement! :)


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