
Friday, July 23, 2021

Boxed Squares - almost done

It's pretty as is, but just a bit smaller than ideal for a Quilt of Valor.  At this point, Boxed Squares is only 54 x 60, so I'm going to add some simple borders to bring it up to a better size.  

The 6" (finished) blocks are set in 10 rows of 9 blocks.  I think making it 13 rows of 10 blocks would be just perfect if I make this again and want it to NOT have a border.  

Notice my red geranium in the big turquoise pot?  It loaded with blooms and greenery when I bought it, but then we had a couple of weeks of extreme heat.  It sits on my front porch where it gets shade during the hottest part of the day, but it hadn't put out any new buds in nearly a month.  Now all of a sudden it has buds and blooms again - just as we are getting extreme heat again.  Hope I can keep it going because it really is pretty.  


  1. The geranium is gorgeous! Love the boxed squares, such a simple but stunning quilt.

  2. Hope you have just the right red/white/blue print to border these nifty blocks. Your geranium is a beauty. (Ours have not fared well this year.)

  3. Gorgeous quilt with a wonderful variety of fabrics! My geraniums were doing really well until a rouge hailstorm appeared suddenly. They haven’t bounced back yet.

  4. Such a pretty quilt and pretty blooms on your Geranium too...yes the heat is oppressive today:(

  5. The quilt is lovely, borders on the sides will be perfect to bring it to the size you need, happy stitching!


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