
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Pushing forward

 Other than some appointments this week, I've had plenty of time to sew.  One appointment yesterday afternoon was having a long overdue eye appointment.  It was way too easy to postpone this type of thing during the worst of the pandemic.  Four years ago I had cataracts removed from both eyes, but my right eye has significant "clouding" built up, so now I have an appointment to have that eye lasered in late August.     

Boxed Squares is now a completed flimsy - except for a simple wide border, has been pressed, and is ready for a much better photo opportunity.  Stay tuned for a better look at it on another day.

All 7 rows of Roll On are assembled, and the first 3 rows are sewn together.  This will be a donation quilt most likely.  Hopefully I'll have the flimsy done by the end of this week.  

Now that my ironing board is no longer covered with pinned (and numbered) stacks of blocks for 2 quilts, it was time to pull out some other WIPs needing progress.  This is Checkered Stars, and I made 4 more blocks for this one, bringing the total up to 10 finished blocks.  I have all the background and grey pieces cut for all 36 blocks, but only have the colored pieces cut for another 6.  So I have plenty more cutting that needs to happen to get this one finished.  This project lives on my large design board so it's very easy to just move it around as I work on it a little at a time.  

I also cut all the petals and leaves for 12 more tulips.  These are layed out on paper plates in sets.  I'll add background pieces as I cut them, which will most likely happen just a few at a time.  The weird thing was I woke up in the middle of the night after dreaming about cutting lots and lots of tulip parts.  So, I did that very thing once I got up.    

The next NEW item on my To Do list is to make a couple of the pillowcases I kitted up recently.  I'm going to start with the 2 chickadee pillowcases.  These fit in nicely with the dark blue chosen for RSC this month, plus they were on top of the pillowcase kit stack.  


  1. a gal after my own heart...i too have several things in the works on the sewing table...keeps me motivated to sew! lovely projects...

  2. My goodness you have done a lot of sewing this week! So many lovely projects in the works, and you’re making wonderful progress on them all.


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