
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Bats & Boos

No sewing this morning, as I'll be getting my right eye lasered to remove a "cloud" that has formed since my cataracts were removed a few years ago.  I'm really hoping it improves my eye sight again.

Over the weekend I found myself sewing almost frantically.  Guess I was on a roll just in case I end up taking a day or two to get my eyes working properly again.  So, this one was my first task on Sunday and it didn't take long to finish up, at least to the point of quilting.  

Bats & Boos was a free mystery project from The Fat Quarter Shop, and actually went together very quickly - in 4 short weeks.  Week 1 was bat blocks, week 2 was pumpkin blocks, week 3 was the center star, and week 4 was adding a simple 4" border.  It's about 40" square so should make a good wall hanging.  I'm so glad I allowed myself to be distracted with this little project.  

I chose a fun Halloween print for that border with orange spiders on lacy spider webs.  Once it's quilted I think an orange binding will finish it off. 


  1. It’s adorable- love the orange spiders in the border!

  2. It is really cute! Hope the cloud got removed okay and you can see better. I have heard that is a common thing after cataract surgery.

  3. I love that project. Yours turned out great. I am definitely going to try and make it when I have time to sew again.

  4. Sara, that is absolutely adorable! I must order one from you . . similar . . Hope your eye is fine. So productive!


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