
Monday, August 2, 2021

Design Wall Monday - paper pieced fish

Sunday sewing had it’s ups and downs.  I decided to work on the Row By Row project from my UFO list, with progress being made eventually.

The fish in this project are all paper pieced, which I'm OK with in small doses.  I started with the 2 big fish and I have to say that my seam ripper got a major workout before I got that first fish made.  I even had to “piece” a bit of the dark because I couldn’t seem to make it work properly.  And I even turned the piece with the tail the wrong way.  

But finally I got both large fish made, and started on the small ones.  The small fish are going together very easily.  I have the project about half done now, and should have it ready to quilt this week.  I’m sill not sure if it will be a pillow cover for my bench pillow, or be a table runner.  Right now, I'm leaning toward table runner.  But it might also make a good row put into a child's quilt, and just make the rest of the quilt using some type of simple block.  There is no rush on making a decision. 

I’m linking up with Design Wall Monday


  1. Your fish are just adorable, especially the little guys!

  2. Oh my goodness, Sara. Your shoal of fish are too cute for words. Love their bright colors. They will make a darling aquarium quilt :-)

  3. Cute fish! I’ve done a bit of paper-piecing but can’t say I enjoyed the process.

  4. Nice fish, practice makes perfect! I can see where that would be confusing!

  5. Paper piecing makes such nice blocks, but I agree it's best done in small doses.


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