
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Just a little aqua to finish the month

 Everything in this little baby quilt was pulled from my stash.  Without the border this was only 30” square, so it just required a bit more stash shopping to find something big enough to cut 4 border strips.

Now it's a nice 38" square and ready to quilt.  I think this is one that I can quilt myself - hopefully.  I have a pretty light grey that might work for a backing, unless something better pops out of that stash.

This fits the RSC color challenge of aqua as well as making something with my scraps (Sew Vintage group challenge).  Now, on to some other scrap sewing.  I have Tulip blocks kitted up that need to be sewn together.  

I'm linking up with RSC today:


  1. Oh, I really like this top!! And the aqua border is perfect. Great finish!

  2. Well, isn’t that just the cutest baby quilt ever!?! So clever!

  3. It turned out great! Those blocks look like little jewels, and it turned out to be a nice happy little quilt. Nice finish!

  4. What a nice little quilt! Love the border treatment. Enjoy the quilting

  5. Those blocks made such a pretty little quilt! I like quilting things that are that size, too. You'll have it finished before you know it!

  6. So pretty, especially with the turquoise frame. Perfect size for backing with a single piece of fabric, too, for a quick finish.

  7. LOVE how this quilt top came together, Sara!!

  8. This is really pretty, and yay for finding something that works from the stash!


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