
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Saturday Sampler vertical rows

I spent most of Tuesday in my sewing room, while my husband used our dining room for a planning meeting for work.  My office is right across from the dining room, so those 5 guys would have been very distracting while I tried to work.  But it gave me a great excuse to sew.  However, that means today (Wednesday) I'll be chained to my computer to catch up again.  

The final block for Saturday Sampler was this 12" bee block.  So cute!!  I still need to embroider his little antenna on.  Some of the small sections we pieced earlier that I thought would be spacers turned out to be the frame for this block.  I love how it turned out. 

This sampler is going together in vertical rows.  This is the left side of the quilt. 

Here is the center vertical row with the bee sitting prominently near the middle.

And here is the right side.  Once I get these 3 sections sewn together, then I'll work on cutting the border pieces.  There is a narrow background border, a pieced border, and also a wide outer border to finish it off.  I doubt that I'll have it all done this week, but it will be good progress. 

Speaking of bees - can you see the bee quilted into this table runner?  Bees and flowers - Carol chose the perfect quilting design for my zinnia table runner.  I got the binding prepped and sewn onto this runner yesterday too, so now I have some binding to do in the evenings. 


  1. The block looks great and I love how your sampler is turning out.

  2. Closer and closer to completion. The vertical sections look great: I’m eager to see them all together. The bee block is adorable.

  3. It is going to be a beautiful quilt and yes I like the bee quilting too!


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