
Thursday, September 2, 2021

Circa 2016 status

Back in 2016, the Temecula Quilt Company had a sew-along posted on their blog called Circa 2016.  Most of the blocks for this quilt are tiny versions of old traditional quilt blocks - really tiny, as in 3" finished blocks. I did pretty well keeping up for about the first 2/3 of the weeks.  Then I just printed the patterns each week and put them in the binder.  The binder and all of the completed blocks were in one project box, well organized for once.  Yay!!!

The fabrics I had gathered for this project are in 2 more project boxes.  Again - more organized than usual.  My fabric choices still make me happy, and are pretty similar to the Kim Diehl fabrics I'm currently playing with.  This is a scrappy type of project with lots of color variety.

The center of the quilt was all assembled and hanging in the closet, waiting . . . and waiting.  I really love the colors.  And I think that I'm going to love the whole quilt if it ever gets finished.

These are the most recent blocks, and you can see they are 3.5" square (unfinished).  There are also a zillion 2" unfinished half square triangles.  I counted what I still needed to make, and there are 25 of the bigger blocks and about 20 more of the HST still remaining to be sewn.  That is an achievable goal, although assembling the quilt may take more than just September.  But I'm excited to be working on this one again.

This is how these cute little blocks will go together to surround that center section.  There will be 2 rows or columns put together with setting triangles and squares.  

Unfortunately, I have no idea if this pattern is available from Temecula Quilt Co. any more, as I didn't find it in their pattern list.  But they do have a lot of other wonderful patterns.

On a side note, that Friendship Star was also one of the Farmers Wife Sampler blocks that I made this week for that challenge.  However the star points are tilted the opposite direction, and the FWS blocks are twice as big - 6" finished instead of 3". 


  1. I like it and it will be a beauty when finished, those are small squares! How wonderful that most of what you need to finish was kept safely are organized!

  2. Love the fabrics and the center medallion. Here’s the info on Circa 2016

  3. It always feels so good to make good progress on an older project. Hopefully you'll get farther with it this month than you think. It's going to be a very pretty finish.


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