
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Home Is . . . final block

 The "mystery" block to finish off my house collection is complete. Although . . . it might need a little heart in that center.  Maybe. 

The Home Is sew-along from Pat Sloan included this Courthouse Steps block with a cat or a dog silhouette.  We no longer have our kitty, but his memory is still a big part of our lives as we had him for 19 years.  So it seemed perfect to include this block with the houses. In the steps, I used one strip of each color of house made over the course of the year.  

I love how these blocks play together.  My plan is still to use a Circle of Nine layout, but haven't decided on anything yet.  I need to find something colorful to use as the sashing or spacers and that might help me decide. Ironically when I layed them out on the kitchen floor for the photo I realized that just sewing them together like this would work too.  So . . . these blocks will hang in the closet and marinate a bit while a plan is developed.  


  1. Beautiful and it needs a rainbow heart!!

  2. Clever idea to use the house colors for the steps. Have you considered putting a heart inside the cat silhouette? It will be fun to see the setting you pick for these blocks.

  3. The final block reveal! Cat in the middle looks gorgeous surrounded by house blocks, such a clever idea.

  4. Such a darling quilt. I love the cat in silhouette. She looks so real.

  5. Aww your kitty would be pleased he made an appearance on your quilt:)

  6. Beautiful set of blocks! My RSC blocks always have to marinate, which is why so many are still UFOs. Either setting will be beautiful.


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