
Friday, September 24, 2021

Progress on a couple of projects

 Thank you to everyone who confirmed my feeling that a darker brown sashing would be better with the Farmers Wife Sampler blocks.  I bought a lovely rich deep brown and have added the sashing to a dozen of the blocks to try it out.  It was definitely the right decision.

This photo isn't very good and definitely doesn't show any of the colors accurately, but I can see the contrast I was looking for with the sashing.  These blocks will be set on point in the quilt so there will be setting triangles needed too - probably also cream like the cornerstones.

The Quilt of Valor that I’m making with the red/white/blue Summer Soirée blocks is coming together.  Half of the blocks are now sewn together and both borders are cut and ready to add. I used the fabric in the background of that last block for the inner border.  And while I was shopping for brown, I also bought enough of a navy blue star fabric (that was in a couple of blocks) to put on an outer border.  

I’m really hoping that by the end of the weekend that the Quilt of Valor will be a finished quilt top.  There probably won't be any sewing time on Saturday as I'm going to a funeral, and in the evening one of our neighbors is having a get-together.  


  1. Nice job on both of these projects. The dark brown is perfect for sashing your sampler blocks.

  2. Oh yes the dark brown with the cream corner stones looks great!

  3. The deep brown with the cream corner stones really works. And the quilt of valor is coming together beautifully. Congrats on all the progress.


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