
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

A change of scenery

 We all need an occasional change of scenery, even if it’s just for an afternoon and evening.  My husband had a meeting yesterday afternoon and was then going to stop in Sioux Falls to watch our 4th grade grandson play flag football at 6:30.  And I decided to ride along.

I took handwork along with to work on while he was in his meeting.  So from 2-4 in the afternoon I sat in his vehicle with the windows down, stitched and listened to the radio, and enjoyed a beautiful October day. I did take a little walk along the Main Street and stopped into an interesting little shop as well.  All-in-all it was a relaxing afternoon.  And a great evening watching flag football and getting hugs from from a couple of grandkids.

Hand quilting was finished and the binding is nearly done on the little guild challenge project.  


  1. Your afternoon sounds wonderful and productive. Flag football games fun to watch, especially when younger children are playing.

  2. Sounds like a perfect afternoon to me.

  3. A fun day for you! Nice to take projects along in the car!


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