
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A little bit of sewing

 Just a little bit of sewing happened yesterday morning, but I did get almost caught up with chores and errands the rest of the day.  Grocery shopping, laundry, decluttering . . . all are things that I DIDN'T do last week.  And I also did a bit of cross stitching as a reward when I finished.

The center of the second Crossed Canoes runner is all assembled.  That snowman fabric makes me smile.  And I made a few new RSC blocks - 2 Twinkle Stars and 3 Windmill (Roll On) blocks.  I think I have 26 of the Twinkle Stars, but since they are only 9" blocks I'll need more.  

I'll have to share the windmill blocks another day as I have a few cut out, and will take a photo when there are several to group together.  

And I need to get back to working on those bags for the granddaughters!!!  

1 comment:

  1. I am struggling to stay on track also...must be the weather change. Those blocks are great!


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