
Saturday, October 9, 2021

Neutral and lime green

 For October our color for RSC is lime green or neutral.  I love lime green and have a pretty good selection of it to choose from in the scrap bin.  But . . . this happened instead.

There was already a green bunny, so this Country Bunny isn't green; it's kind of a grey/brown color.  He looks a bit boring all by himself, but when he joins his friends he fits right in.  I deliberately chose colors that are less saturated than usual, so they all have a softer feel.  Not quite pastel but not bright either.

But I did play a little bit with lime green.  A couple of green Ohio Star blocks and a couple of green Twinkle Star blocks have joined the collections.  And 8 new tulips were made and sewn into 2 quad sections.  There is a touch of lime in those leaves and stems.  

I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge today:


  1. Nothing wrong with playing on the softer side of the rainbow, Sara! Angela always says that gray/brown makes the other color show better. I think your new bunny looks beautiful!

  2. Love your bunnies! The softer colors are a great choice for that quilt. Your lime green blocks are fun, too. I've never made the Twinkle Stars - are they tricky?

  3. Good call on the bunny! He fits right in with the others. You're going to have some lovely quilt tops soon!

  4. That is the cutest herd of bunnies that I have seen.

  5. Oh, those bunnies, I've always loved them! Have you made enough or will some of them hop away and breed a few more? This is going to make such a lovely little quilt.

  6. Those bunnies are the cutest! I love those Twinkle Stars too. Lots of yummy stuff here!

  7. That bunny goes so well with the others!

  8. That latest bunny is so very sweet. I love the taupey/gray-ish colors of her. That is going to be one lovely quilt. Where did you get the pattern?


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