
Saturday, October 16, 2021

Rainbow of colors

One of the things I love the most about making a big variety of blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is just that - VARIETY.   I love being able to make a block or a few as a "change up" from working on bigger on-going projects.  It keeps the boredom away.  The block sets hang in my sewing room closet using skirt hangers, and before I know it there are enough to make a whole quilt top.  

 Linking up to Rainbow Scrap Challenge:

These blocks are not lime green, but they are definitely cute!  I still need more of these Twinkle Star blocks, so I cut 5 sets of block pieces in different colors.  There is a little bonus, and that is cutting tulip pieces from these same scraps while they were on the cutting table.  These 3 blocks were sewn in between other projects this week. 

The other 2 sets are next in line, sitting next to my sewing machine ready to go.  And look - there is a lime green one!  By the way - my nerdy spreadsheet is also tracking individual blocks.  That number is growing much higher than I ever expected.  More on that some other day.

And more rainbow scrap play time this week yielded these 2 blocks.  I cut that first one from the leftovers laying on my table after cutting out that Christmas runner I'm making.  The other used one of the florals from the recent Summer Soiree blocks.  All leftovers. 

Mary blogged about a great scrap quilt made with lots of fun bright colors the other day.  The link to her post is below.  In another later post she shows the template she used, called Windmill.  It's basically the same as the Roll On blocks that I've used several times over the years.  But I like the name Windmill much better. 
The big difference between Mary's quilt and the two I made this summer is not using a white or neutral background - just lots and lots of color.  I love that idea!  My readers are well aware that I lean toward neutral backgrounds so much of the time.  Neutrals are safe.  But these will make great RSC blocks going forward with a new rule I've made for these - no white or cream backgrounds, only colors!!  And I have a whole box full of scrappy charm squares to get me started. 


  1. I LOVE your organized blocks hanging on skirt hangers. How wonderful to just reach in and pick what you want to play with for the day. My projects are in bins and bags. They are stacked and not as easy to see, but somewhat organized. The twinkle blocks are gorgeous!

  2. I totally agree with you on the fun of making a variety of blocks in all the colors - I, too, love keeping the boredom away! Your photo of your closet of blocks is a fun one, too. The Twinkle Stars are so pretty! I liked that Windmill quilt at the link you shared - those are neat with lots of color.

  3. I too love having a variety of blocks to choose from each year. What a fun 'waiting room' you have for them. Love the idea of full color instead of a neutral background. What a fun quilt that will make.

  4. I love the look of your block sets all hanging up. Mine tend to get put in bags together with the necessary fabric.


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